Thursday, June 13, 2013


This is a picture of polan spring water. I thought it looked cool with the sun coming in the window. I blurred it put and it came out good. Water has no flavor but is so refreshing.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013


Opened the pool this weekend and went for my first swim of the year today. It wasnt that hot out today but I just had a workout and i was really sweaty. The pool felt great and cooled me off. I use the pool a lot over the summer

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Red Sox Game

Today I went to the Red Sox game !!! It was unbelievable, they won 10-5 against the Angels. David Ortiz hit a home run along with Salty (2) and Carp. Dempster was on the mound and did pretty solid. I am surprised the Angels aren't better seeing the stars and talent they have.


Yesterday was my brother's brothers graduation. It was sad to see him moving on with his life and friends. I knew about 30 people graduating yesterday very well. We did not have a party yesterday but we are going to soon. I will be disappointed when leaving in a couple of years.

Dog wearing shirt

This is my dog, hos name is chip. We got him around 6 months ago and he is still a puppy but he is a giant. We got a bunch of free T Shirts from a person we know at Boston College. We decided to putt one on my dog and suprisingly he liked it.

Burlington Reservoir

This is the Burlington Reservoir. I took this picture on a cloudy day and i thought it came out good. This is about 100 feet away from my grandmothers house. I go fishing here all the time and catch big fish. My Dad lived right here his old childhood and bring back great memories.

Friday, June 7, 2013


My surprises when i searched my name was I couldn't find anything for my name. I don't know why my social networks didn't show up. I decided to go to my social networks and look at my stuff. From what i could see this is what I saw come up the most.

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Oreos and milk

This is a picture of oreos and milk my favorite snack to have. But the picture is not meant for that. The cup is for the J.J. Johnson tournement for golf. I played in the tournement, and the cup has a green golf ball in the bottom that  makes water look green from the top angle. We also won Red Sox tickets this day.

Sunday, June 2, 2013


Yesterday was my brother's brothers graduation. It was sad to see him moving on with his life and friends. I knew about 30 people graduating yesterday very well. We did not have a party yesterday but we are going to soon. I will be disappointed when leaving in a couple of years.