Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Burlington Reservoir

This is the Burlington Reservoir. I took this picture on a cloudy day and i thought it came out good. This is about 100 feet away from my grandmothers house. I go fishing here all the time and catch big fish. My Dad lived right here his old childhood and bring back great memories.

Tuesday, May 28, 2013


This picture was taken a while ago, this is one of my favorite sports to play. I enjoy playing in my free time, I played basketball since I was seven. I choose this picture because it has a warm but cold look to it and it looks like the sky was painted.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Instagram and twitter better than facebook.

I think twitter and Instagram are better than Facebook is because Facebook is boring a complicated. My reaction to what people said was i agreed with them and they all made good points. Twitter and Instagram are so easy to post and see what they say, Facebook is everything in one and it gets confusing. They there was a lot of spam and too much to read and i agree. I like the topic.